NYC Announces $7 Billion Design and Construction Contracts for Two Borough-based Jails

2024-05-29T13:38:17-04:00May 21st, 2024|


Jennifer Parish of the Urban Justice Center told the Daily News: "Delaying completion of the Queens and Bronx jails is shameful and unlawful. Mayor Adams is failing in his responsibility to advance the plan to close Rikers."

New York City’s $7 Billion Jail Construction Project Delayed Beyond 2027 Deadline

2024-07-22T11:35:08-04:00May 19th, 2024|

Digital Chew

“On the Mayor’s watch, 31 people have died and countless others have experienced abuse, neglect, and violence at the Rikers Island penal colony,” commented Darren Mack, co-director of Freedom Agenda.

‘A Little Perplexed’: Questions Raised Over City’s $4 Billion Contract for Construction of Queens Jail

2024-05-20T12:20:04-04:00May 17th, 2024|

Queens Eagle

“There is a realistic plan for reducing the jail population to meet the target of fewer than 3,300 individuals incarcerated in city jails, and a critical component is prioritizing decarceration of people with mental health concerns and expanding supportive housing and community mental health supports,” Jennifer Parish, the director of Criminal Justice Advocacy at Urban Justice Center's Mental Health Project.

Four Billion Dollars and Four Years Late: Queens Jail is Over Budget and Behind Schedule

2024-05-13T15:22:00-04:00May 8th, 2024|

Queens Eagle

“There is a realistic plan for reducing the jail population to meet the target of fewer than 3,300 individuals incarcerated in city jails, and a critical component is prioritizing decarceration of people with mental health concerns and expanding supportive housing and community mental health supports,” said Jennifer J. Parish, the director of Criminal Justice Advocacy at Urban Justice Center Mental Health Project

NYC Increases Number of Detainees To Be Held At Borough-Based Jails That Will Replace Rikers

2024-03-04T13:11:52-05:00February 23rd, 2024|


"Jail chaplain Victoria A. Phillips [of the Mental Health Project], another detainee advocate who signed the letter to the mayor, said women should have their own facility where they don’t risk contact with male detainees."

Mayor Adams Vetoes City Council Bill On Solitary Confinement, Sparking Concerns Over Jail Safety

2024-01-22T14:25:49-05:00January 22nd, 2024|

Brooklyn Eagle

"Chaplain Dr. Victoria A. Phillips from the Jails Action Coalition [and the Urban Justice Center] and Barbara Hamilton, supervising attorney of the Incarcerated Client Services Unit with the Legal Aid Society, have also criticized the mayor’s veto. They assert that solitary confinement causes irreparable harm and that the legislation is essential for ending its use in city jails."